Thursday, June 2, 2011

Win a laptop Halloween Art Contest!

Yes, it's time for the annual Halloween contest. There are some great prices, but please read the rules to ensure their registration is valid:) Do you have a video that fits the theme of "Spooky natural" lives can be a serious "fear" may be ghoslty comedy funny video - remember Focus on Supernatural .. .... The price I'm getting: 1 - Computer with a value of £ 400 Portable Media Player 3 Option 2 £ 30 Amazon vouchers Rules: 1 You are not subscribed to me, butall subscriptions for me and the judges are welcome. 2. a second or two - the video is no longer than 3 minutes! 3. Only one entry per person if you have more than one YouTube account, even a single voice. 4. Their contribution must be for this contest and the video sent in response to this video (no old videos that have been "recycled" in this contest or downloading videos please) 5 Your list may contain copyrighted material. (Here are some useful linksFree Music: http Remember, the sixth in his description of the credit if you use the music vid) The deadline is October 26 .. Taken on October 30 and winners will share their videos appear on my channel page. 7. The measurement is performed by: Mark Apsolon - Technical work and play, or used Audionautix fx - creates a climate, with particular reference to the atmosphere through the use of sound / music Ratu - entertainment value and...

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